Triangular Relationships

So many a times we exhaust ourselves worrying over trivial things which ultimately dissolves on their own and are not so significant either.
I have been trying for quite some time now to add some kind of background music to the blog. Film music have destroyed our sense of peace and calm but at the same time background music if selected intelligently could take any scene to a different level but I don’t know how much of this is applicable in the case of our blog. I haven’t uploaded anything yet and I’m not even sure whether it would please or produce an unpleasant effect on you guyz.

There was a time when I as a student couldn’t study without some Indian number playing in the room but in later years as the studies became more analytical music became an impediment while concentrating so this habit was given up.

We had to go together so I went with Amma to her clinic and as I was sitting in the waiting area there was a 4 year old crying continuously and his father was trying to console him unsuccessfully. Then suddenly the child looked at me our eyes met and then as he fixed his gaze on me within few seconds his crying transformed into smiles and he began playing with his Daddy. His cheerful behaviour and our eye contact with sheer mutual affection for each other were visible to everyone sitting in the lounge. Then as the child with his father moved to the other end of the room his Mother in a very tensed & fearful body language approached them and took them to an extreme corner of lobby. And then within 5 seconds the child once again started to cry but this time he also was screaming at the top of his lungs.

What happened was when the child was in my proximity he absorbed my vibes or energy which were quite positive and they connected him with his own positivity. Then as he entered the energy field of his mom which was highly apprehensive and tensed the child absorbed that as well and became the mirror of his mom’s feeling. The mother actually felt threatened by the fact that her child is feeling good with some other female entity so she subconsciously did whatever she could to sabotage that connection. What is amazing here is that we were all complete strangers to each other and might never meet again.

What worries me is this mom and many like her would replicate the same behaviour of sabotaging the relationships between their sons and daughter-in-laws, and it would get intense when they would witness that their little boy is actually happy with another woman.

Of course it is all done unconsciously because mothers are unaware of their behaviour pattern.

To love a child and to protect him/her when they are vulnerable is called parenting but if the same behaviour is continued when the child has become an adult then this is not love anymore it has changed into possessiveness and controlling. Mothers especially the ones with only son need to be highly aware of their behaviours or else they would make the lives of their sons a living hell.

I sincerely apologize if anyone’s feeling are hurt but I needed to share my experience with all of you.

Now pressing keys on key board is becoming a struggle so Siesta time for me all dear ones….

Love, love love..

Sonya. (Day 75)


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