Cricket fever

Cricket cricket & cricket, T20 is all what echoes today from every corner. People are glued to TV cheering our team on every 4 or 6 and booing on the outs. Families have arranged for special get-togethers to enjoy the precious moments of thrill. Even the electricity department showers their mercy and abstains from load-shading during our matches. We Pakistanis have a love-hate relationship with our cricket team they loose and we take no time to express our anguish & dismay and if they come back victorious then nothing is much intense than the love and cheer they receive from their fellow countrymen.

Although for me cricket is an alien territory because unfortunately I couldn’t understand it let alone enjoy it. The only match that I could remember ever seeing was the one that Pakistan won the world cup and Imran Khan was the captain. I didn’t even know who he was until he joined politics and started Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital for cancer patients in particular for the under-privileged. May God bless him for all his efforts for humanitarian causes.

Coming back to my illiteracy for cricket, I sometimes wish that I could enjoy this sport like everyone else as doing otherwise makes me an outcaste. I seriously would like to share the excitement, the thrill, the sadness on loosing the match and the sheer joy on winning. Alas there might be wishes which would remain unfulfilled.

Midnight has tiptoed and insisting on its requisite of sleep and dreams from me. So siesta time for me friends.

With much love,

Sonya. (Day 69)


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