The Great Integrations

What a hustling and bustling day I had, even though it was a public holiday but daily necessities are unable to comprehend this concept so what needs to be done should be done. And then there is a twist in the story, a cancelled get together with family-friends was suddenly rescheduled early morning. It was a meet up that I had been longing for quite a while.

The family me and Amma visited has been our friends for so many years now. Quite simple people with even simpler lifestyles, one immediately becomes comfortable in their presence. The lady of the house whom I lovingly call Hameeda Aunty had an accident with her left leg which was badly burnt by boiling water and at the same time her daughter had typhoid. However, now seeing both mother and daughter getting healthy and in their usual high spirits with the leg healing satisfactorily was gratifying. As a tradition prevalent in many of the Memon families, like our friends who also belong to this community, we all sat on floor for our dinner of Chinese khousey or noodles and delicious biryani and to cool down the heat we were served with fresh home-made watermelon juice, Ah! What more could one ask from life.

I never felt easy with dining tables but they have become a necessity, it used to be in the times of my Naani and not long ago till 1998 when our lounge was adorned and decorated with beautiful block printed dari’s (carpet made of huge cotton sheets) with mattresses underneath. Dari’s are a hallmark of Delhi walas, by the way both my parents and their ancestors belonged to Delhi, India who subsequently migrated therefrom. Many of our relatives’ homes are still following this tradition with Sofas and couches being alien concepts; even my relatives who live abroad covered their beautiful tiles and sidelined couches and opted for carpets as a replacement of daris and always preferred floor sitting arrangement.

Two entirely different communities yet they have so much in common. It is so wonderful to hobnob with other communities, especially when one gets the opportunity to visit them in the comforts of their home. We get to enjoy their hospitality and culture and they get the same experience from us. I firmly believe that this is the only way where we could abrogate our prejudices against other communities, casts and religions. When we are fully able to open up our hearts and minds for everyone, give them the space, nourish acceptance and respect for all then only we could contribute our bit in making this world a better place not only for us but for the generations to come.

As Mahatama Gandhi very rightly said 'You must be the Change you want to see in world..'

In the space of my soul my love to all and a very Good Night.

Sonya. (Day 64)


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