Day 70

I don’t believe it could happen to me but it did, my blog for today has vanished mysteriously. So much effort went to it and now all is lost, what a shame!

Earlier when I was writing it was 6 pm and I was sitting at our terrace with cool breeze tantalizing the face, and the visual of flowers was soothing to the eyes. I could have stayed there for eternity being lost in nature, not thinking instead observing curiously everything in the proximity as a child who has seen something for the very first time.

There is something wondrous about getting a zero or lots of zeroes at the end of a number; it infuses a sense of accomplishment as if one has succeeded in something mammoth. That’s exactly how I feel about completing my 70th day on the blog. It came as a pleasant surprise to the close quarters that I have managed to do it with perseverance, well almost. And now I could also proudly proclaim to have a hobby, something which I regretted not having earlier.

Past few days I had consciously abstained from appearing, first due to muscular pain in my neck & shoulder and second because I wanted to do so. In the last 6-7 days I choose to kill my free time and do absolutely nothing about it; reading a book, watching TV aimlessly and resting were the preferred modus operandi.

And now enjoy the view & flowers planted with sheer love by Amma.



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