Nothingness & Workout

Doing nothing being nothing is such a liberating feeling and also a significant recreational exercise. I was free by 9.30 pm and was at leisure but I decided to rather dwell in nothingness.

Writing blog does occupy mind for good 1-2 hours however it does not happen all the time. There are days when I have nothing to share or if there is then due to day’s activities brain and body are more inclined towards rest. It is worthwhile to write when there is an urge to express otherwise simply writing for the sake writing would produce lifelessness.

I have been now exercising for almost 9 years regularly Allhumdulillah except for few breaks i.e. when I get disappointed that all my efforts are not giving significant results. Whenever, there is weight gain now and then albeit normal eating patterns I would suggest to get tested for thyroid or hormonal imbalance or metabolical disorder.

For many years the fact that I had hormonal imbalance remained undetected and when we found out we were in total denial so that also consumed couple of more years. Finally when we accepted the reality I just couldn’t bear the medication, it was suppose to help me loose and control weight but the appetite suffered significantly so we called it quits and I decided to focus on keeping up a healthy lifestyle along with physical activity. Honestly speaking after so many years of lingering between slimness and being overweight, getting thin has become secondary.

I had no idea that drinking water at room temperature is vital for us and in particular before, during and after our workouts. Room-temperature water better hydrates the body than cold water. We humans have to use energy to warm the water to absorb it, so although the cold may feel quenching, it will take longer to be utilized. Adding a pinch of salt to your water bottle would help balance any electrolytes you may have lost during a sweaty workout.

A common work out mistake that I also made is to create a routine, doing the same movement patterns consistently will result in reduced calorie burn and muscle building. Why? Our bodies are smart. They become very efficient at utilizing the least amount of energy possible to perform the same movement. If you are a walker, increasing your speed and incline, or changing your route, can be enough to keep the body guessing. For weight training, try different exercises that target the same muscle groups. Typically, our body has a six-to-eight week learning curve. So if you don't love change, make your cycles every two to three months for your best return on results.

I always try to motivate everybody around to do some kind of exercise but I always end up getting excuses; for instance, we have seen you working out but you are not size zero yet and the most common excuse, if we exercise and then stop it for some reason we would gain more weight and a very loose skin. I agree that I am no size 0 but then exercising does not push us beyond our body structure which is defined by our genes, place in globe where we belong, age. Exercise does not entail to make us anorexic or underweight.

As for the second excuse, of course you are going to gain weight if you quit working out simply because your body is not burning daily fat anymore. The loose skin is the consequence of loosing fat within that area underneath skin and believe me our bodies our designed to stretch, mould and regain the tightness of muscles.

Today’s blog has taken a design of it own nevertheless I would be glad if any of the above details have been beneficial to anybody.

So Good Night & love to all dearies and dearas………

Sonya. (Day 67)

For more reading material on exercise click on the following link: 


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