Right Decisions, Living & Accepting the NOW

Making choices could be tough at times and when emotions and expectations of others, others that matter to you the most, are involved the process turns far more grueling then it was expected.

Please excuse me today for I am in a rather perplexed frame of mind, Martha Beck a renowned life coach said to let go off your thinking and calculative mind while making decisions i.e. stop looking for all the pros and cons while making any decision, instead go with your instincts. If the decision is required from buying a soap to buying a house see how your body reacts to every option, see how the muscle gets tensed or relaxed, get deeply in your body and listen to what its trying to tell you.

Yeh yeh all right so I got in touch with my instincts and all, now what? Gathering the spiritual data is not that much of a task but its application into our daily lives is really crucial. Even after knowing confidently what shall be the outcome or what is desired from any situation the realties on the physical plane when show an entirely different outcome then as a consequence one gets discouraged or loose faith in our own vision and prayers. We know that God shall only give us what is in our best interests but the delay or different result is I guess the true test of our faith; this is when the rubber meets the road.

I should be intelligent enough to know that resistance or anger or fear towards my current circumstances would never help because what we resist persists. So what should I do now accept the situation as it is, since I am neither capable of changing it nor escaping from it. Yes that’s what exactly what I would do now; accept that there is resentment in me, accept that I am afraid and anxious and surrender all of it to God, so He shall lift my situation dissolve my negativity shed His light of guidance and protection on me so I could be in alignment with His thinking, and bestow upon me Love, Peace & Joy for all involved; three words that I live by and have turned them into my survival mantra.

Albeit time and space are illusions, there is no past or future but only the present moment the Now. Past is only with us in the form of our thoughts and emotions with no real existence. As for the future it is only but the extension of our present moment it is how we decide to be in this moment i.e. Now would determine our future. Of course nobody could argue with the relevance of physical time- which is used for day-to-day purpose but that’s it it’s no more significant. Personally understanding this concept is easy but to explain it to others is not that easy after all.

But my Love is all easy to grasp and to feel….

Sonya. (Day 66)


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