

"If there's something you want really badly, and you think somewhat obsessively about getting it, then know that on an energetic level your attachment is actually sending it away. The answer? Prayer... Dear God, Please take away my idolatrous thinking, luring me into thinking that something or someone other than You is the source of my salvation. Of myself I cannot rise above. Please do this for me. And so it is. Amen… By Marianne Williamson"   Today I wanted to begin my post by the prayer of my favorite writer Marianne Williamson. I saw these lines on her facebook page and the moment I read them I felt as if I am struck by lightening. I thought as if she is addressing me directly.   Many times in our life we either want something badly or get obsessed with certain things and people.   If this has never happened to you then great… but I have to say that I am guilty of such act and not once but many times. We have many idols in our lives


The fresh breeze of morning, fragrance of flowers and warmth of bright sun tantalizing your physical being are absolutely delicious to the soul. Rich aroma of the coffee brew dispersing around your face, and you are ready.    It was coldish in the early hours of the day and it does but completely engulfs one in some magical way. It feels as if you are spellbound, or in some kind of trance but in reality you are in the moment with every cell of your body.  You are in the Now where there are no pains of the past, no anxiety of the future but only the Present Moment. And then there is no mobile service. It feels as if we are back in the 80’s when we only had the facility of landlines. People in authority are trying their best to handle law and order situation prevalent in the country. However, what we are doing is merely dealing with the Effect (mobile bombs, firing and suicide attacks via motor-bikes). The Cause (which is unlimited and unchecked supply of firearms,


What to expect from an unexpected holiday? Despite crucial security situation things have to be managed and obligations are to be fulfilled. Even with all the positive attitude it becomes difficult to witness the bruises and pains caused due to the unfortunate incidents within city as well as in the entire country.    One could not but feel helpless in such times and you wish to have a magic wand. Like it happens in fairy tales when somebody is down with life and have nowhere to go then all of sudden a fairy appears and with one movement of her magic wand she changes everything. In real life although we do not have fairies but we have our prayers, our gratitude and faith in the miracles. We might be helpless on the physical level, nevertheless, on the spiritual level we are not that helpless. We have the power of our mind, our thoughts and feelings. With all the darkness we need to believe in light, the light that will not come from outside but the light which we ha

Day 374

Somebody yesterday told me that if I hadn’t put my picture on the blog profile then I could’ve been easily mistaken for a writer who is in her seventies or eighties. That the way I express myself or address my readers it feels like I am their grandmother. I don’t know whether this was a compliment or a comment; in any case I shall take it as a compliment. After all its someone’s opinion and I respect their point of view. It seems as if there is curfew in most parts of the city, there is hardly any traffic on the roads and even if there is some movement it feels lifeless. We are not used to seeing Karachi in such a state, it’s a hustling bustling city of lights and I pray with all my heart that it shall always remain in its full glory. Winters are knocking on the doors but somehow haven’t fully made it into the house. There is something magical about winters in Karachi in particular if there are rains. The mystical effect that cool winter breeze give after rainfall e

Gap, pause, break and no more…

It feels as if ages have passed but in reality its been only a week since I wrote my earlier post. Many apologies for vanishing like this but it was all due to internet unavailability. I know it’s a very lame excuse; however, I speak the truth and nothing but the truth.   Sometimes though you would like everything to go your way; nevertheless, life follows its own course and it is only wise to go with flow. Else the resistance would cause suffering. So what I have been up to, has there been any updates about any aspect of my life? Well not really its all same old, same old.             This weekend I had some free time as well as a strong desire to watch a good movie so when the opportunity presented itself, I accepted it. We watched the comeback movie of Sridevi English Vinglish . It was a very fine effort and indeed quite a risky project to cast an actress in simple cotton sari without any makeup. The movie was all about the performance of Sridevi and I have t


         Colours are the perfect therapy for my highly inquisitive and hyper-active mind. When I am with colours every thought every distraction vanishes and I regain my focus. Few times my refuge in colours start as an automatic process, its like my system knows when I need to step back and relax. So here are couple of my relaxation moments, I have completed the one above today and just wanted to show you guys. 'Midnight Blue', Oil Canvas   'The Yellow Palace', Oil Pastel and Pencil Colours I have started to keep colour pencils and a sketchbook with me while I am at work, so when I get stressed I just draw vague lines and colour for few minutes in whichever way I feel like. Similarly, when I need to express and share- this blog becomes my voice. Its actually quite wonderful to have various outlets to say what you wish because some things just get bottled up and if you do not express then they would explode within. Although I am blessed

Lost Love

Life takes unexpected twist and turns and yesterday there was a minor twist in my simple story. Like many of my brothers and sisters in Karachi I too had the honor of loosing my mobile to some thief. It was my very first Smartphone and as I was beginning to fall in love with it, this brutal world took my love away from me. Now I have the heart of a jilted lover. And with this feeling I took my revenge and launched a compliant of phone theft with CPLC and they have jammed it immediately. So you see if it can't be mine it cannot belong to someone else either. So yesterday I spent the entire day in missing my phone; nevertheless, more than loosing that tiny gadget I was feeling low because it was bought from hard earned money.  As I write this post today words of my late grand mother are echoing in  my mind, she always told me that one should never grief over anything or anybody for too long.  So I end it here and now. In the words of Eckhart Tolle- No attachment, No