
"If there's something you want really badly, and you think somewhat obsessively about getting it, then know that on an energetic level your attachment is actually sending it away.
The answer? Prayer...
Dear God,
Please take away my idolatrous thinking,
luring me into thinking that something or someone other than You is the source of my salvation.

Of myself I cannot rise above.
Please do this for me.
And so it is.
By Marianne Williamson"

  Today I wanted to begin my post by the prayer of my favorite writer Marianne Williamson. I saw these lines on her facebook page and the moment I read them I felt as if I am struck by lightening. I thought as if she is addressing me directly.

  Many times in our life we either want something badly or get obsessed with certain things and people.

  If this has never happened to you then great… but I have to say that I am guilty of such act and not once but many times. We have many idols in our lives whom we falsely believe to give us peace, joy and prosperity.

  Whenever I read Holy Quran I was amazed as to how many times it is repeated not to worship anybody but Allah and every time I thought that no Muslim in his/her right mind would dare to worship anyone but Allah so why is there such an intense emphasis. 

  Finally today when I read those above words I understood why Allah emphasized on not committing Shirk (idolatry).  The reason is clear, it is not necessary that we keep false gods in our home because when we look up to something or someone (even indirectly) for giving us happiness, wealth, safety or compassion we have already committed idolatry.

  Sometimes it is the latest gadget we crazily desire, or a business deal, a job or a person, sometimes we look at our government to provide us protection and prosperity because we believe that the thing or person or institution can give us all that we have wished for.  On many occasions when we are having troubles in our personal or professional life we try to find certain people who could help us get through and to get them we become obsessed. 
  We forget that no person no mortal has any capacity to help us and the help only comes from God. How easy it is fall into the trap of Shirk because it is not even about any tangible object but millions of intangible things.

  When we need a job promotion we look at the CEO who can give us higher rank and money. We believe, it is only the CEO who can help us and we narrow all our focus to the poor mortal who cannot even help himself.

  There are people who argue that XYZ can become the means or channel to our prosperity but then I ask them how do they know if XYZ is your channel. Has God personally told you? No, they reply. It is only because you think that he/she is the only channel.

  We humans have very limited mental capacity to understand the workings of God. So it is wise to ask the Source of all Blessings, the God to help us get through and if there are to be any means then let God lead you to that channel.

  So Sonya Syed- Do not show God the ways how He can help you. Do not try to tell God how He can be God.

Sonya Syed. (Day 376)


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