Day 367

Today I just want to speak, with out any meaning or aim. Sometimes the words are not relevant but the feelings that are required to be expressed are far more significant. It is also true that many times when we want to speak there is nobody to listen so everything just gets bottled up.

I can understand your confusion over what I write but believe me it is not intentional this is how I feel so I just spoke out.

The day went in its usual mode thankfully; Mondays are mostly tough to attend to especially after long breaks. Yes this was a long weekend or more appropriately extended Eid holidays. Although people returned to work, children are back to school yet the spirit of holiday was still very much present.

I got back to my routines and I am so grateful to start doing exercise after a long while. For many weeks I turned into a couch potato. The food I was eating was high in spices and oil, so finally I decided to wake up and burn bit of calories. I cannot say how much successful I have been in losing weight but I am sure enough that I felt good after some movement.

After you get into the motion and the endorphins get kicking in, the weight becomes secondary and the feeling of energy becomes the driving force. However, exercise in it self is not difficult what is tough is to get yourself to the treadmill. That first step towards the machine is the hardest and if somehow you get over that, then you have conquered it all.

I shall be brief today but promise to return with more.

Be healthy, have fun..

Sonya Syed. (Day 367)


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