
After all the hoopla, grueling debates America has selected its President and Mr. Barack Obama is back in the office for another term. As a Pakistani I cannot fully estimate the effect of this election because irrespective who wins the election our condition more or less remains the same. More than the person who is occupying the Oval Office it is important who is the person sitting in our Prime Minister house.

Unless we as a nation decides wisely to give power and responsibility to the people who would effectively run this country, we shall always remain at the mercy of powerful countries who will decide our future for us.

Nevertheless, in hope I shall live……..

Karachi’s traffic after the bombardment of leased cars, untrained drivers and broken roads is a challenge but it fuels the problem when the main areas of the city are suddenly closed down to have exhibitions. It is beyond reason to shut down everything simply because there cannot be sound security provided for the visitors to the exhibition. Nobody is concerned about the public, about how people would reach work and manage their daily routines.

I know I sound angry today but I am not angry I am just trying to put my point across, these things are not difficult to manage but all we require is proper planning. For instance, if main roads are going to be closed then we should be alerted for all the alternative routes.

The day passed in running around to complete every task that I have assigned to myself and thankfully I can say that I have done a good job. Sometimes things to smoothly and at times not so smoothly but whatever you do just keep out of the bad mood and stress. If you didn’t perform as you planned then it affects only you, but if you get into the stress it is going to affect everybody around you.

Have a Good Friday!

Sonya Syed. (Day 370)


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