Lost Love

Life takes unexpected twist and turns and yesterday there was a minor twist in my simple story. Like many of my brothers and sisters in Karachi I too had the honor of loosing my mobile to some thief. It was my very first Smartphone and as I was beginning to fall in love with it, this brutal world took my love away from me. Now I have the heart of a jilted lover. And with this feeling I took my revenge and launched a compliant of phone theft with CPLC and they have jammed it immediately. So you see if it can't be mine it cannot belong to someone else either.

So yesterday I spent the entire day in missing my phone; nevertheless, more than loosing that tiny gadget I was feeling low because it was bought from hard earned money. 

As I write this post today words of my late grand mother are echoing in  my mind, she always told me that one should never grief over anything or anybody for too long.  So I end it here and now. In the words of Eckhart Tolle- No attachment, No resistance to what is...Accept and Surrender.

I have learned from this incident that I should start listening to my intuition.

Since few days I had a strange feeling that I should be cautious. Two times in a month I had peculiar occurrences. Few weeks ago as I was waiting for my mother in the car, a woman with a child who appeared to be a normal housewife from a decent family came to me and asked me if I can help her financially. I turned her away but in that moment I had a strange sensation as if she has a weapon with her. Thankfully she went away.

Something of the sort happened again at a petrol pump (gas station) with two young girls who again approached me for financial help and I had that strange sensation again. Since then I knew that I have to be really careful but I did the opposite. 

I have learned my lesson and from now I am going to hear that voice which guides us to take the right action.

Don’t ignore your inner voice, that constant guide which tells you to do or not to do something. We get signs from God all the time when we see something on TV or on the billboard or you hear someone talk or may be your loved one is constantly pointing out something and it gets your attention. However, you ignore those signs and cues.

God or Universe uses the people, circumstances, and events that surrounds you in your day as your signs. You can never misunderstand a sign or get a sign wrong because whatever you think a sign is for, you're right! 

So you will attract the exact cues you need in that moment. For instance if you hear an ambulance siren, the sign from God is to be grateful for your health. Or if lately you are falling ill then you should take treatments and heal yourself. You see only you know what it means...

Don’t ignore your cues from the Universe as it is always giving us the right direction. Just stop and listen!

With lots of love….

Sonya Syed. (Day 371)


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