The Magic Wand

Imagine that you have a Magic Wand, and in your mind wave it by giving heartfelt thanks for their wealth, health, and happiness and know that you have set a real force of energy into motion….

You can practice this powerful practice when you’re walking down the street or going about your day and someone you come across who is obviously lacking happiness, health, or wealth, or all of them’. Excerpt from the book ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Byrne.

When I first read these words I didn’t estimate their depth or power. Recently I have started practicing this magic in the million ways that I have never dreamt before. Yes I am practicing the Magic, the Magic of Gratitude.

Yesterday I met a lady who was a stranger but since we were doing the same work I tried to speak with her- she responded coldly. I was surprised with her behaviour because she was nice with everyone else but for some reason tried to ignore me.

I found that rude and started to make assumptions about her cold attitude and then suddenly I remembered the above lines. I thought I have tried it on my loved ones and they felt better, so let’s experiment this theory on a complete stranger.

Then in my mind I imagined to wave my magic wand and deeply thanked God for her happiness and friendly attitude. After that I returned to what I was doing.

Few minutes later, she just started to talk to me and opened up. I responded with warmth and at the same time realized that she was extremely tensed about her assignment. Hence, I also understood the reason behind her attitude.

In that moment, in my heart I felt a rushing sensation, I felt the joy. I became far more grateful that my magic has worked; that this theory actually works.

I wave my magic wand before picking up phones, checking my emails, working on the computer, before going for shopping.

There was a time in my life when I was unaware of this beautiful Magic and things didn’t go well. Sometimes we meet new people and they without knowing us prejudge us, they make assumptions about our personality and when we meet them they react accordingly. If you are also in the action-reaction mode then situations can easily detoriate.

The point is not to become each other’s best friends or have dinners together but if we use our magic wand we can ease out the tensions and create peace for ourselves and for others.

Sir Isaac Newton said, ‘to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction’. So the happiness, health, wealth we passionately wish for others, we also bring it ourselves.

Lots of love,

Sonya Syed. (Day 368)    


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