Day 365

I am upset with my blog tracker, lately it has started to show multiple visits by facebook company. The average visit by facebook inc. per day is more than 20, which is quite irritating and getting on my nerves. First it was Google Inc. visiting my blog 40 to 50 times a day and now we have facebook.

What should I do in this case? Anybody, please guide…

Yesterday I accidentally landed on PTV Global channel and they were airing an episode of a talk show called Zavia (Perspective). The show is based on the discourses and life experiences of our very respected writer and intellectual Ashfaq Ahmed saab. I have heard him once or twice before and it was after years that yesterday I heard his words of wisdom. Although I got to watch only last minutes of the show but what I heard was of great value.

He said that one can be in pain or misery or gloom but one should never allow him/herself to get into the state of hopelessness or disappointment, irrespective of what happens. He told about his conversation with the devil. I shall try my best to reproduce it for you.

Ashfaq saab begins, ‘the devil says to me Ashfaq, you have prayed with your heart and made great effort to fulfill your wish but your Allah didn’t listen to your prayers and didn’t give you what you desired.

He replies, ‘Mr. Devil, my God might not have heard my prayer but I will not fall in your trap because you will take me into disappointment and I will not go there.’

The point he was trying to make here is that at times our prayers are not immediately granted and our inner darkness or the devil tries to take advantage of the situation by telling us that God is not interested in us.

However, no matter what happens we should have faith. Its fine to unhappy or sad but we should never ever get into disappointment. 

I believe that we all have more or less similar conversations with our personal devils; I have had such many encounters where I have clearly seen my darkness talking to me and ready to take over my hope. It’s a constant war which we need to conquer or else……….

Have a wonderful and safe weekend..  Cheers!

Sonya Syed. (Day 265)


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