Night whispers

There are some crazy situations when people would prefer to break someone’s nose or neck for causing pain or chaos in their life. But then they surprise you, when instead of breaking someone's nose they react by praying for their health & happiness, and wish them a beautiful life.

People exhibit strange reactions in extraordinary situations of their life. Nevertheless, it gives us  comfort that such forgiving behavior saves everybody a great deal from creating more misery, and more importantly it tells us that there is still some sanity left in this world.  

Before Eid many things were required to be taken care of and then during the holidays I got hugely involved with household chores. Plus I also had final exam papers to check and grade. Honestly teaching is not as easy as I thought it would be. Tests, quizzes, mid-term are nothing when you get down to the business of finals. My problem was that I wanted to give everybody good grades, which is of course not possible.

However, finally I have tackled this enormous responsibility and now the copies are with the management for the final compilation.  

After checking the piles of sheets and going through all the answers minutely I felt immense respect and gratitude for all teachers who take up this mammoth task and make it look like a piece of cake. Hats off to them….

I am way beyond my sleep time- but only me and me who is responsible for all this, last week I destroyed my sleep pattern that I have been so diligently following for years. And I am also paying price for my irregularity.

Need to take your leave because today would start early for me.

Good Night & sleep tight.

Sonya. (Day 364)


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