
There are plans at home to paint few portions and some rooms which are showing signs of wear and tear. However, my main concern is my room’s setting, though it’s a nice sized room but it feels a bit cramped and small. The other rooms in the house which are of the same size looks far more spacious and lite as compared to mine.

My room is more like a studio apartment, everyone even the guests choose to sit in my room rather than in the living room. But I feel something is not right about it, I don’t know exactly what but there is something that I need to change.

Everything in the room is crucial for me, and there is nothing that I can discard. I like Zen minimalist approach where you have only what you really need. Having said that, my requisite items are now over flowing into other rooms as well. Most of my personal property consists of books and now there is art material, canvases which needs to adjusted as well.

When I shifted my office to home I took over my Mom’s music room where she had her dearest collection of classic music, magazines and pictures. Now I have turned it into my office and I feel guilty for my take over because that was the only place where she loves to be. But the good part is that I feel it is only temporary and soon it will shift to where it should really be.

So actually I need two rooms one being my personal room and the other room that should be used both as office and my ultra mini gym. I saw gym-cum-office at a show on BBC lifestyle, they had a very tiny room which the designer utilized to the maximum by intelligently dividing it into an office with adjoining exercise area.

I think I need sensible interior designing solutions because its not merely about the size of the room but how wisely you utilize your available resources. I wish I would hire the services of the same British interior designer. Ha!! But I do believe in miracles….

Many affections.

Sonya Syed. (Day 366)


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