Day 23

Italians greeted 2010 by jumping in a river in winter. Australians had the biggest and the grandest fireworks to welcome this New Year.

2010 has come to all Pakistani’s as a year of improbability. This year started as never before with a strike in the major city Karachi followed by the most brutal bombing at a playground in Lucky Murrwat when a huge crowd was enjoying a volleyball match between local teams, killing almost 95 people with many injured. All attempts to remain positive prove to be futile. I have always failed to understand the logic behind this large scale devastation, in ancient times whenever a nation was destroyed the destruction happened once and then there was a new start for the remaining. However, Pakistan has defied all the odds. Although I am not acquainted with any of those who died as a result of terrorism; nevertheless, I can feel their pain their anguish to a certain degree, if not completely. Regardless, of what I try to do to keep myself busy all day but in moments of solitude flash of depression creeps in, it’s very similar to human body when there is even slightest pain in the finger entire body gets distressed.

Whatever may be externalities internally we need to be strong and keep our hopes up and nourish in the womb of our soul a dream that the day shall come when there shall be Peace, Prosperity & Joy.

With lots of love....



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