Day 29

Morality, humanity, values, justice are all seem to become a part of ancient history; nevertheless, at times we do get the opportunity to witness some remnants of these traits otherwise the moral fiber of our society is shredding into pieces. Where are we heading as a nation, I wonder? Is this the kind of country that we would bequeath to our children, I think not. I intensely wanted to escape to unknown destination where all is peace and prosperity. As a lawyer I am ashamed that’s all I could say. History is filled with tales of the nations which were destroyed due to their transgressions and it is terrifying to witness the same signs in Pakistan. Norms of natural justice and the laws of Universe are always working in precise fashion, no exception. The Effect could never contradict the Cause, the Universal laws or God’s law is similar to a giant computer where we could only download the documents which we have uploaded. Is it possible to harvest rice when we seeded pineapple?

In times like these what are we suppose to do, how are we suppose to behave? Prayers! Can they help or is it too late. I really do not have a clue. But I need answers. Should we just get ready for the Day of Judgment when all this crap would come to an end and a new world order would emerge?

Ego is not limited to the dictionary version that is the “I” or self of any person, but it extend its tentacles to the misperception of who we are, an illusory sense of identity. That illusory self then becomes the basis for all further interpretations, or rather misinterpretations of reality, all thought processes, interactions, and relationships. Our reality becomes a reflection of the original illusion.* Our attachment to our thinking, our possessions, our wealth ultimately inflate our egos. Sense of right or wrong becomes distorted; anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety, all these negative sentiments rule our existence.

When hundreds of people are enslaved by one person actually they are the slaves of a single thought; a fear based thought which compelled that person to enslave and suppress all or else he would be destroyed and loose his existence.

I have seen so many people taking several religious pilgrimages, with tens of Umrahs and half a dozen Hajj, they vigilantly fulfill religious duties to score 100% in the eyes of the Almighty. But when they are bestowed with an opportunity to become a channel and to extend help, not in monetary terms, and suddenly they curl up in their shelves.

Wooh, this anger, negativity, whining, blaming and judging others, me and my sad story, is my Ego. I cannot help but laugh at myself, this is how we get dragged into misery. Maybe a positive denial of our so called reality is needed here. It’s not like we deny our 3 dimension reality rather we see it, accept it and then say to our Lord “that I surrender my feelings, thoughts to You. And now You show me the way Lead me, Guide me. I don’t want to follow this neurotic path, so take my situation and bless me with Love, Peace and Joy. I put my thinking and situation at the Altar so it could altered.”

Yes HE is here, I could sense HIS Presence, just writing this blog I got some of my answers. Probably not taking our lives too seriously and not believing the neurotic illusions created by other Egos' is part of the solution. If we can recognize illusion as an illusion, it dissolves. the recognition of illusion is also its ending.*

O ever-living and caring God, Jesus taught us to ask, to seek, and to knock. We have just done so, confident that You will now look upon our many needs, consider our trusting faith, and in Your great love grant these requests which we present to You.



*A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle


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Anonymous said…
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