Love is it?

Sleepless nights, muscular cramps, sudden anxiety pangs, lack of energy due to under-eating & insomnia, with your mind at one place and the heart in another and to top it all- is always feeling that there is something more to give in the relationship.

Commonly these symptoms would indicate two things, either a psychological condition or falling in love. But who knew until yesterday that teaching two classes of MBA would do this to me.

Yes for past 4 months I couldn’t sleep or eat properly and that is also the main reason behind my vanishing from the blog for longer periods. And it was only yesterday when I submitted the results for both of my classes I realized that all these months of such immense responsibility changed everything for me.

I suddenly realized that unconsciously I have become a parent to all my students and like a mother I am constantly worried for their careers, grades and progress. I have suddenly grown up.

Going to take a class seems so easy but when it comes the quality of teaching, taking their tests, assignments, mid’s and finals then everything changes. You are responsible for the future of your pupils, you are answerable for the knowledge you have passed on to them- have you done justice, have you honestly done your part?

These questions become the usual psyche of every teacher; nevertheless, with time and experience they learn to handle everything in a stride.

Now I get it! Why does our elders have given the high status of respect to teacher second to a parent.

Teaching, a profession which we all take so fore granted is no child’s play. It does not matter which age group you are teaching the responsibility is the same, even more for children. I am just a visiting faculty and this happened to me in 4 months, I cannot even imagine what full-time teachers feel.

Having said that, in my 8 years of legal profession I have never felt this level of love and satisfaction that I felt in these few months. To give and share whatever little bit of knowledge I have is beyond amazing. And in this giving I have gained immeasurable knowledge myself.

For the first time I have looked and studied law from an entirely new perspective, it opened new dimensions for me. Teaching has not only made me a better lawyer but more so it has made me a better human.

Take care & a very Good Evening..

Sonya. (Day 429)


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