
Is it only me or any one of you is also feeling lethargic, out of sync with you energies. As I write today our new government is in place and we are all waiting for that 100 days action that everyone seems to be promoting these days.

100 days was actually an Indian movie in which the heroine used to get premonitions. Well there is absolutely no connection of the movie with this new government but I just thought I should enlighten you with my esteemed general knowledge.

For almost a month I have been experiencing pangs of lethargy for reasons both known and unknown, and I thought I am losing my blog writing ability or every other creative ability that I have.

It was a frightening thought, because after years of laborious self work I have learned few things to move on with some purpose in my life. And there was no way that I want to return to my old self, a hard core ambitious lawyer, for whom there was no place for any kind of soft emotions.

Sometimes we are so afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt that we try everything in our power to guard ourselves. But it does not serve any good to anybody, especially yourself.

Sometimes your strength lies in your weakness. Sometimes the best remedy for not getting hurt is to face eye-to-eye what pains you most. When you look directly at your fears then only you can dissolve them, because fear is only of the unknown. So when you know then it is not frightening anymore.

Well I must that say we live in the age of miracles and ultimate possibilities, and my especial thank goes to the great social media. Few months ago there was a guest writer celebrity who was at several Oprah Winfrey Shows and Oprah herself interviewed him.

Would you believe that only few days ago I actually chatted with the same person on facebook. And then there was another female writer who is a friend of Hollywood actors like Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston & Demi Moore, who personally emailed me on several times me in reply to my email where I wanted her to clarify some of the contents of her book. We might also have one on one video conferencing soon.

I mean this is crazy that I have reached Hollywood, even though indirectly but still it is really big for me. It is only because of the Grace of God and very effective social media where we can connect with anybody.

With lots of love..

Sonya Syed (Day 428).


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