June, Budget & Thoughts
Budget, budget oh dear budget has
arrived. And I must say what a killer it is... Have you ever experienced confusion
in feeling your emotions, like when you don’t know that whether you are afraid
or worried; anxious or angry. Today I am having that confusion because I have
no clue whether I am feeling the heat of this weather or the fear of budget.
May be its both, but frankly for
the people who have stable income and a comfortable lifestyle can somehow bear
this burden. Nevertheless, millions of people in this poverty stricken country are
living in dire circumstances, with no hope of any betterment. Would they be
able to handle this humongous financial pressure?
In the midst of extremely fragile
law and order situation in the country electricity, food items and basic necessities
of life are already beyond the reach of a common man; and now with this new
budget I fear that their survival is threatened.
We seriously need a miracle. So lets pray
that this moment of trial be uplifted and we may be blessed with Divine prosperity.
I see Turkey, Malaysia and many
other Muslim countries prospering and then I think to myself what have they
done differently from us. There is definitely some logic to their success, the
secret formula that we are unaware of. Or maybe as a nation they had a very
strong collective will, a determination to improve the quality of their lives.
There are no accidents or
coincidences in this world, everything happens because at some level somebody
has strongly thought about it. Universe is operating with precision where law
of physics, and similar laws are working with perfection. So what is we are
doing wrong that everyone seems to be doing right?
I mean seriously think about it. Take
any recent incident in your life whether happy or unhappy. Now go back in your
mind and try to remember what exactly were your thoughts about that incident
before it actually happened. Better if you could just write down all your
thoughts regarding it. Don’t think or judge simply jot down whatever thoughts
start to come up.
Now, after this little exercise
read through what you have just written and you will know what I am saying. You
might be surprised that whatever you were thinking about that incident before
it occurred turned out to be correct.
And you know why that happened
because at some energetic level you have invited that incident to come in your
life through your thoughts. Now think about the thoughts you have and the emotions that are tied to
each thought. Each thought colors this energy. That is a frightening truth and bit hard to digest but if you look deeply at the facts you would understand my point.
Quantum Physics suggests that our thoughts and words are energy. Every
person, plant, animal, rock, tree, every physical thing sends out
energy. Every-thing is like a transmitter. It’s hard to imagine but we
are sending it off right now in every direction.
It moves outward in
wave patterns. It can and will leave you, go through walls, over hills
and mountains, to the moon and go on forever. It never stops.
When you think of
someone, if that person is sensitive, they can feel it. Every word
you’ve ever spoken shapes it. Everything you’ve ever done affects it. The frequency shifts and changes constantly with our thoughts, emotions, moods, words,
and even actions.
as if our thoughts (energy) magnetically attracts the energy that is OUT there.
We can’t see it, we just have to believe it is out there, just waiting
to be attracted to us.
Like attracts Like. When
enough of these similar thoughts have come together there
vibrations become heavier. Similar energies attract each
other. This is called the law of attraction.
Thoughts will create a physical form. When many people think the same
thing… there is a really good chance their thoughts will become
If we have high or good frequency we will only attract high and good life experiences. If we are on low frequency then lower or unhappy incidents are thrown our way. If we are trying to get closer to wealth, abundance, or prosperity, keep our words, thoughts, and energy on just those things. Even if our natural eye is seeing something different.
This works not only for the good thoughts but for bad thoughts, such as fear or lack. You will attract what you think about.
If we have high or good frequency we will only attract high and good life experiences. If we are on low frequency then lower or unhappy incidents are thrown our way. If we are trying to get closer to wealth, abundance, or prosperity, keep our words, thoughts, and energy on just those things. Even if our natural eye is seeing something different.
This works not only for the good thoughts but for bad thoughts, such as fear or lack. You will attract what you think about.
May be as a nation we are all on very low frequency. Love, honesty, justice in our individual deeds are the factors that can raise our frequency or else we would remain stuck in this misery for as long as we shall live.
Peace to all.
Sonya. (Day 430)