The Light

Excited but tired; imaginative but frenzied.  I have no idea how can I feel all this in one go, but this is life. It takes you to the journeys unknown, the paths which you never knew existed begin to appear in your awareness.

One thing I have noticed that if you start to walk on the path of complaining about every little problem in your life, it will never change anything. The more you complain, become the victim, blame others- the more life would throw people and situations in your face who would constantly keep you in that negative zone.

Prayers are integral for living a good life but if you don’t know the basic laws of universe upon which this world operates, then trust me you shall continue to live in the same misery circle.

First I always tell myself that what I give, comes back to me. To every action there is always an equal & opposite reaction. If I give appreciation, compassion or knowledge- it will always return to me. Similarly, if I complain, blame, feel angry then that also comes back to me.

Lets imagine that we are all magnets and every situation in our life or people we meet daily are also magnets. If we are positive, kind, patient magnets- then that’s the kind of magnets we will attract. On the other hand, If we are complaining; angry; hostile; anxious or depressed magnets- then the same sort of magnets will come to us.

So it is wise to have positive thoughts or peaceful emotions. Sometimes during your busy day just watch your thoughts, listen to what your brain keeps on saying and repeating.

You would notice that the same old movie or the mental story gets played in the mind over and over again, with no purpose.

He did that. She said that. He is horrible. He should have listened to me. I am right, everyone is an idiot. They don’t know anything. Where is my maid? Blah blah blah. This is all mental noise or mental chatter.

If you observe your thoughts you would see the uselessness of whatever goes on in there. Situations that have passed hours, days, months or even years ago are still alive in the mind and keep on going.

You would realize that you are either thinking about the past, which you cannot change. Or you are thinking about the future, which has not arrived yet. But we are never in this moment, the Present.

When you watch or observe the mind, awareness arises. This awareness is silent by the way, and for a brief second mind gets quite. Voila, we are at peace.

Throughout the day, at any moment take few focused breaths or touch your hands, or smell the air around you, or look what is in front of you or feel the wind.

Our mind cannot do two things at the same time. So if you will tell it to focus on breath or any of the above things it will stop its mental talk and will focus there. The result of stopping this mental chatter is Peace.

Nothing will happen in two hours or in a day. It takes practice and a firm dedication to be at peace with yourself and others, a daily decision for not participating in the drama of life. Even if this happens for 1 second, it will definitely increase to few minutes, and then to hours.

I cannot say that I am at peace and happy all the time but at least I can get there for few minutes or for few hours. 

This process is a journey and I am content that I am not supposed to live in the constant darkness of negativity, that there is The Light.

So much love...

Sonya. (Day 436)


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