Love changes
The only constant thing about
life is that it is constantly changing. Relationships, work, priorities
everything changes, and if we pray and are truly grounded in faith then we should
know that everything happens for a good reason. In every changing situation, we
are either learning something or we are teaching something.
Although that change can be
extremely painful for us to bear, but we need to have faith and be sure that
God always has bigger and better plans for us which we cannot even comprehend
with our limited mental capacities.
However, one thing that remains
constant is true love- whether its between parents and children, or friends,
life partners.
Love is the essence of humanity, love is peace, love is joy, love
is forgiveness, love is acceptance, love is faith, love is prayer, love is
health, love is prosperity-Love is
Anything which calls itself love but
does not have any or all of the above elements is not love, rather it is a counterfeit
of love. It is ego disguised itself by the name of love.
May the joy be with you all...
Sonya Syed. (Day 460)