Mirage- an illusion...

What a crazy week it has been, doing nothing significant but was absolutely busy. Thankfully, I was successful in completing my paper work, so what is left now can be managed easily. At least I am trying to be a regular at the blog, but time is passing by so quickly that days are changing into minutes.

So what I should talk about today? There is so much going on, that synchronizing it all appears to be a huge task.  But began I shall, sometimes our eyes gives us the illusion of what our mind desperately wants. Its like mirage, I am sure most of you must have experienced it.

In mirage, while in the midst of heat and sunlight if you look at the desert or on the road, from a distance, it gives you an illusion of water. It seems that there is water on the road or on the sand but it is just an illusion because there is no water there in reality. 

However, to the viewer the water appears to be very real, because in that heat our brain needs water and what it needs, it sees. Isn’t it amazing that sometimes this illusion is witnessed by many people at the same time.

I first experienced mirage while I was 10 years old, I was sitting in the front seat of my uncle’s car. It was almost 50 degrees on the road when I saw that there was water right in the middle of the road. I suddenly jumped due to seeing so much water and asked my uncle how would he cross this area. 

Masood Unlce (my uncle) said, ‘Sonya beta that’s not water its an illusion, which you are seeing due to heat. It is called mirage.’  That was my first experience of witnessing illusion. 

In our lives too we experience mirage on many occasions, when we only see what we want to see. To us it all looks so real that if try, we can even touch it. In this game of mind where illusion and reality are so mixed up due to our fears and wishes that we can easily get confused. And sometimes we take very important decisions on the basis of that confusion.

When I see something which gives me pain or induces fear in me - I take it is an illusion. I pray to my Lord that He may lift all the veils of illusions and deception from my eyes so I take decisions based on wisdom and that I see all that is love, peace and joy.


Sonya Syed. (Day 457)


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