The Progeny
It is always a joy to see the children following the footsteps of their elders, learning from their experiences, doing what the elders did and avoiding whatever they avoided. It is also fulfilling to witness children finding their own paths in life independent from their elders, sometimes making mistakes on the way and learning and succeeding. Nevertheless, it is painful to witness the conflict between the elders and the youngsters. The elders desiring that their progeny should follow them under any circumstances, irrespective of the latter’s interest. Parents have the instinct to protect their children; they simply cannot bear the thought of their younger ones getting hurt in their way to life. However, this protection could, at times turn into possessiveness. If the offspring does not have the desire to follow the lifestyles or profession of their parents then serious conflicts arise within the family. It is understandable that the parents desire their children to follow the profes...