
Missed missed two days of the blog and the kind of guilt pangs I get are inexplicable. What to do when choices are need to be made between rest and my favorite activity, the blog. I had to see the bigger picture so I decided to make some choices, hence rest prevailed.

After clinging on to my clothes for some time now, both old and new ones, I have finally cleared up almost 75% of my wardrobe with another 10% due. I could not believe how much lighter and joyous I feel. I have been stocking some clothes since college years, the ones which promised durability and wear-ability. Now all I am left with are few modest belongings in my closet, and it feels superb!

Early morning after having breakfast I was sitting in my balcony enjoying the sun and a phenomenal weather and absorbing vitamin D or whatever it is suppose to give; relaxing and thinking that it is a perfect time to go to the beach. Alas, not every wish is to be fulfilled.

I had a person in my mind and I was trying to analyze her personality. I was criticizing and judging this person; then I suddenly realized that this entire conversation which I am having in my mind, is absolutely unwarranted and so much of my energy is wasted.

During those moments of musing, a flash of insight gushed within; I guess that was God saying, “Sonya you waste so much of your time in thinking of such futile things. The person you are analyzing is no business of yours; she is not to be a concern for you. From now on, only think of people and situations which are positive and productive for your growth. Get up! roll your sleeves and get down to business.

He said, "Dear I love you but honestly you are a lazy lass. You have covered up yourself in the blanket of internality that you have forgotten about the world and its requisites. You have hidden yourself in your comfort zone that now returning to life, your life is not easy for you”.

I replied to God, “I don’t want to go through the intricacies of life. I am at peace, and content with whatever I have now and who ever I am today.”

Then God spoke again, “I understand your reservations about the world. Nevertheless, my Dear, my people are not supposed to be languid rather they are meant to be courageous and proactive. You don’t have to do anything, just have the Intention and I will take care of the rest for you.”

I explained to God, “I cannot bear the wordly anguish anymore.

And God said, “Fear not thou world my dearest, for ‘tis merely an illusion created by Me.
Hold My Hand and let Me walk you through your life. The road might be bumpy, but dear, always remember that your Journey is in My Hands.”

So in my faith I hold Your hand Lord and take a step………

Sonya. (Day 178)


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