Thanks to all

I am thrilled to see how perfectly girls and ladies have their hair these days, at the same time I am scared to observe what kind of irreparable damage they are doing. Blow drying and straightening have become a norm these days hence unrealistic standards are being set for beauty. I cannot comprehend is this due to the bombardment of beauty images prevalent in the visual media today or is it because we are not happy with what we are blessed with. Slight curls or waves in hair and there comes a social pressure to straighten your hair and even worse to re-curl your hair and that to using hot curling irons to give a certain type of curly look. Being the daughter of a dermatologist, I unfortunately on regular basis come across girls with either extreme thinning of hair or partial baldness and especially in the front portion of the head, a look which people with hypothyroid have. It’s a regular to see teenage girls with such destructive attitude and I apprehend that when they’ll be in their late 20’s or 30’s they won’t even have any hair to do straightening.

Life moves and so we also get dragged along with it, however, if we willingly surrender ourselves to it then it actually turns to be satisfactory and if we resist to what is, then we shall be struggling all along the way. In this journey of life pleasant memories are nevertheless the portals which could instantaneously take us into the nirvana; and the nostalgia particularly of our academic life always remains close to us.

I today had an opportunity to speak with my BBA classmate and it was nice to go down the memory lane, but I kept this passing very brief because I don’t like to loose myself in my past. I am glad to know that all our classmates and seniors are established in both their personal and professional lives.

While I was speaking with my classmate, he being married and now a father to a daughter, suddenly referred to himself as the old man. I immediately remembered the first time I jokingly referred to myself as getting older when I went to visit a senior lawyer Mr. Sohail Muzaffar, who is also my mentor in the legal profession and whom I have unilaterally adopted as my father. Muzaffar Saab/Sir instantly corrected me and told me that if I start saying this ‘getting older' phrase, then in no time I will get old, much before the actual time. Since once you start to put such labels on yourself you would soon begin believing them as well and ultimately you will turn into your labels.

Obviously, I followed his advice and since then even if I have to make a joke about myself I am much careful with the words I choose for describing my state. When I come to think of it there have been quite a few things which he suggested several years ago, which I ignored at that time yet they ultimately became integral part of my life. Like when the first time when out of the blue, while our wait during a court session, he suggested me to become a corporate lawyer. The moment I heard him saying this, I really got anxious and thought he wants to fire me because he didn’t practice corporate law so why does he want me to explore other fields. Besides I used to believe that corporate law is the most dull and boring form of law. Anyhow after a year later I found myself working not only for a corporate lawyer but practicing corporate law as the major part of my profession.
Then another time observing my hyper-ness and mood irritability he suggested that I must opt for reiki as it will relieve my emotional disturbances; by the way, this was the very first time I heard the word ‘reiki’. Naturally, I overlooked his advice then, and today I ended up being a reiki practioner myself.

I cannot forget the very first time I met him; I was doing my internship then. In the High Court after a court session; I saw a tall, gray-haired gentleman with a striking personality, beckoning me. I went to him and without even knowing me or my name he inquired with whom I am doing my internship, I gave him the name to which he said “forget about this lawyer of yours; one day you will go far beyond her and will become a very successful lawyer, provided you work hard”. Such encouraging words coming from a senior lawyer is an achievement in it self, of course I was in the ninth cloud.

I thank you sir for all your patience in putting up with me, for guiding me every time, for reassuring me when the chips were down; and all I hope is that like my parents I have also made you proud of me even if to a teeny weeny extent.

I dearly thank all my friends, classmates, colleagues, seniors, elders for believing in me and helping to become the person I am today; without all of you being there I wouldn't be who I am now. 

This post feels more like a speech from the Filmfare life-time achievement award rather than an article…

Thank you all for bearing with me…..

Good Night and have a wonderful weekend…………


Sonya. (Day 177)


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