
The Mask

Yesterday I heard the news about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes ending their marriage. I know I don’t usually do films gossip but I saw that famous Tom Cruise couch moment on the Oprah Show so I was unable to hold my thoughts. Tom is considered quite and a very private person but the way he jumped on the couch with genuine excitement when Oprah asked him about Katie Holmes was surprising to the world. I know he is a great actor but what we saw was real.  It is never good to see people breaking up like this especially when children are involved. What happens to all that “ love ”; he proposed to her on Eiffel Towel and then had a huge wedding at an Italian castle. Besides when common people read about this sort of fairytale romantic stories, in particular the fair sex, they make enormous expectations from their partners. In the end I think it is not pre-marital time that counts but the real challenge is when people get married. It is the time after tying the knot, that re


Finding order in the disorders of life is probably the trick of great living. Irrespective what occurs in the periphery or outer boundaries of our life, the centre our core should always be in peace & deep gratitude. Once the inner foundation is there the outer structure shall itself fall into place. Weather is finally getting lighter and windy and now we await monsoons. There is something magical about rain, something that couldn’t be expressed in words. Dark grey skies, soft breezes, fragrance emerging from earth as rain precipitates from the air and the aroma of pakoras from kitchen only add to the delights of this beautiful weather. Rain during the day has different impact while the one in the night casts another spell on us. I especially love the glistening reflection of orange and red hued streetlights and cars at night; sometimes passing by rickshaw play songs quite appropriate for the occasion and I feel that it is the glimpse of heaven. My mind is mechan


They say change is the only constant and if we allow things to flow in their natural flow then it all shall turn out to be in our best interest. We apply another strategy to face change and that is we try to hide away but then realize that we really cannot go anywhere or do anything about it; so what should be done then. Ideal response is that you face and be with all that is without any resistance or judgment and above all pray that it has magnificent and peaceful outcome for all involved.     Yet sometimes change or the possibility of any change frightens us to the core and that is the point where you need Something to lean on. You look in all the places to find somebody or something who would tell you that its all going to be fine. Sincere words of comfort support and wisdom shall always do the trick. Sometimes we find that shoulder to lean on and in case if we couldn’t then we find peace within ourselves. I guess that’s the natural remedy easily available to all o

Day 319

There is a strange traffic signal near my home which people follow on their terms, when it is green everyone obediently stops and when its red then it means to move. In case if you stop at red then trust me you are in trouble. However, you take a sigh of relief that at least people follow it. So now there have been some major changes on the political front, our former prime minister has left and I write this our latest PM is making a very long speech in the Parliament. I apprehend that all this exercise would really affect things for good, but what was required happened. It is a wonder how can few hundred people decide the fate of population exceeding 170 million people. Of course there are procedures prescribed in law and this act is legal but I think we, the people, should have this prerogative to choose our leader. With politics becoming such an integral part of our lives even the morning shows hosted by celebrities could not keep away from indulging in it. Yester

The Gap

So long it has been that I don’t know how to begin. I missed coming to blog and sharing all that I have been doing, but honestly the time constraint was the main factor in keeping me away. If I had the opportunity then I lacked energy to focus on anything but getting some rest. Today due to Shab-e-Mairaj {Night of Ascent of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)} I am able to take some time, so here I am. Well for past few weeks I have taken up stitching and art classes, although in both these domains I had neither past experience nor any apparent talent. However, all of a sudden I just decided to venture into these two skills. Art which includes drawing, sketching & painting etc. is a wonderful way to concentrate on one object forgetting about everything else. My brain muscles that I have never used before are being exercised in a new way while I am focusing to draw. You get to go out of your limited version of seeing things in front of you and you realize that everything could be see


Days are running faster then electric trains and I am trying my best to calmly travel from one station to another station. All of a sudden the life that had been missing activity is seeing all the razzmatazz. New avenues are opening up and I can say that I have never felt better, because there is no time to feel or think. Your emotions, thoughts, ideas of self always limit you of your own potential or may be we are scared to explore things outside our mindset. I think its fine to allow ourselves to do what we really like, of course that must not involve hurting or damaging anyone, but once to follow illogicality of your heart rather than the logic of your mind.   You live your life believing you can do this or cannot do this, setting limitations on yourself but then you are thrown into the deep end. You have the choice to either sink or swim and if you manage to swim then life takes you to another level.   I have lived my life with strictest boundaries and pre-decided

Tete a tete

At last the weekend is here, all due rest which has not been properly received shall be taken now. Yesterday I was in quite low spirits for no apparent reason, just feeling some strange emotions in connecting some invisible dots of life. Thankfully today has been good, especially after meeting a young girl and listening to her thoughts. She is around 7 or 8 years of age, we met where I am learning to stitch and she is taking arts and craft classes. As soon as she finishes her work she come and sits with me, shows real interest in what ever I do. She encourages my efforts and always appreciates my work and it is strange that with our age differences we feel really good in each others company. I tell you she has some personality, although appearance wise she is very simple tiny wears glasses and have braided hair. Yet when she speaks I cannot help but listen to her and pay full attention to our conversation. So today I asked her the routine questions that one would ask