
They say change is the only constant and if we allow things to flow in their natural flow then it all shall turn out to be in our best interest.

We apply another strategy to face change and that is we try to hide away but then realize that we really cannot go anywhere or do anything about it; so what should be done then. Ideal response is that you face and be with all that is without any resistance or judgment and above all pray that it has magnificent and peaceful outcome for all involved.   

Yet sometimes change or the possibility of any change frightens us to the core and that is the point where you need Something to lean on. You look in all the places to find somebody or something who would tell you that its all going to be fine. Sincere words of comfort support and wisdom shall always do the trick.

Sometimes we find that shoulder to lean on and in case if we couldn’t then we find peace within ourselves. I guess that’s the natural remedy easily available to all of us throughout our life.

Although this stuff is irrelevant and somewhat personal but I thought to bring on this subject as it might have universal application. 

Anyways enough of that ………..Finally, for the first time in my life I have used Skype. I feel ashamed of being so lame in the technological terms because it seems that I have been living in stone-age.

What an exhilarating experience it has been! (But I have to say that one has to really take care of how one appears in front of the tiny camera fixed on the PC).

I saw faces today that I haven’t seen in years, it was both an emotional and exciting experience. It is crazy as to how far technology has gone and it doesn’t give any sign of stopping here rather a devotion to reach skies.

It is due to this technology that we are able to connect on this blog, and we come from all places around the world. What a blessing it is to be living in these amazing times….

Good Night & have a great week.

Sonya. (Day 320) 


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