Pink Panther

Finally I saw the original Pink Panther movie made in 1963, but I have to say that I could have used my precious time doing something anything productive rather than wasting it on utter nonsense. There was no definite story line and everybody was there for the sake of being in the movie.

However, if you would like to have an idea about 60’s fashion or the general atmosphere then you might like it. Certainly the ladies, their hair styles, frames of each scene and cinematography had been a delightful experience.

Yesterday I wrote about watching glimpses of the movie, those pieces were from a car chase scene in the end part of the film and in no way they could justify for a good comedy movie when watched as a whole.

I have certain fascination for classic movies especially the ones made in 40’s and early 50’s either they are from Hollywood or from Indo-Pak. I feel genuinely attracted to the atmosphere and style of those times, the way everything was simple and classic.

I know I might sound like ancient soul reincarnated in this latest human version.  As a child when elders watched old movies I was always infuriated, I simply couldn’t understand what could be possibly attractive about black and white movies. Then few years ago our TV cable people started to show us TCM (Turner Classic Movie) Channel and when I actually saw those amazing movies I finally understood their allure. Unfortunately, due to some new regulations this channel is no more available and I can’t say how much I truly miss it.

If you get ever chance to watch those classics and if you develop fondness for them then you might realize why I like this. It must not however give an impression that I don’t like latest movies, I try to watch them as well but there has to be something in the story that could keep one glued to the seat for 2.5 hours.

It is true that it has been a while since I actually sat to watch any movie because 30 minutes into watching TV I feel jumpy; everyone in the movie is running or dancing here and there doing ridiculous stuff in the garb of acting.

There were times though when I made it a point to watch movies in the cinema, theaters have wonderful atmosphere and you could only do justice to any decent movie when you watch it on the Big Screen.
In mid 90’s some brilliant Pakistani movies were made- the songs, stories and actors were all superb and in those years we saw every movie in the cinema. You might be surprised to know that for most of the Pakistani films we had to reserve seats in advance as the theaters were packed out. Pakistani film directors Syed Noor and Jawed Sheikh proved the critics wrong and were very successful in pulling the public to cinema halls. They changed the entire outlook of movies. (Left Saleem Sheikh & Sana)

FM radio was just evolving in 1990’s, they all played Pakistani songs from latest movies and local singers; that was the major push for the public to go to cinemas. The songs were so good that we couldn’t resist the temptation to watch them on big screen and the films also never disappointed us.

Jawed Sheikh released his blockbuster movie “Yeh Dil Aap Ka Hoa” starring Moamar Rana and Sana. This film actually ran in cinemas for straight two years breaking all records of any successful film in the history of Pakistan. 
The latest success I saw was of the Pakistani movie that was directed by Reema Khan “Koi Tujh Sa Kahan”. Once again the cinema was packed with audience. (Below left Reema Khan & right Moammar Rana)

We, people like you and me, went to theaters to make those films a hit, thereby implying that if good films are made we would definitely give them a try. Karachi is a hub of business community, so this is the right place where good films can be produced. All we need is the right approach, hard work to convince corporate investors to invest in this field. If correctly done, keeping in view the aesthetics of film, our value system we can definitely create solid market for our films.

It is not important if we invest billions of dollars in a movie, only the latest equipment and some reasonable script would do the trick. First we need to recreate solid domestic market, and then enter international film festivals and with time a place will be made for us. People like Sharmeen Obaid Chinnoy who with her personal efforts won Oscar definitely shows us that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

With all the best wishes for success and happiness of all….

Sonya. (Day 313)


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