
Never have been so challenged in my entire life by anybody or any activity the way I have been put to test these days. On the insistence of my mother, family & friends I have taken up the unfathomable task to learn stitching. My teacher has taken the challenge of teaching of me this art or at least the basics in 2 months, I pray for her sanity.

I thought not to bring this subject as my post topic but the way stitching is over-shadowing my life I decided that it should be talked about. I have to admit that I possess neither the talent nor the acumen to learn this intricate process.

At first they taught me to make precise lines on brown sheets and then cutting them, till that point I was going fine. The real challenge began the moment teacher shifted from paper to clothing material, real life sewing machine, scissors, needle, thread and God knows what else.

There are actually two threads that work in the sewing machine, if I got one of them right the other broke, this struggle continued for hours. Every body around looked at me with utmost sympathy, and tried their best to guide me, yet the more guidance I received the panicky I became. New comers to stitching are told to sew baby frocks and the way mine is progressing it seems more suitable for a kid from Mars or Jupiter rather than one from earth.

In the last five days, on many occasions I could have broken out in tears but I found my inner strength during this process. In fact sewing is becoming my spiritual journey, if I am able to learn this art then I believe I would enter heavens without any questioning on the Day of Judgment.

Strangely enough as soon as I even start to think about it I feel sleepy mostly because my mind needs some where to escape. Having said that, I am truly grateful for being given the amazing opportunity to learn new things, its another story if I have to struggle a bit in the beginning. If I have conquered cost accounting then I think I could triumph over stitching as well.

Have a great day!
Sonya. (Day 315) 


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