The Gap

So long it has been that I don’t know how to begin. I missed coming to blog and sharing all that I have been doing, but honestly the time constraint was the main factor in keeping me away. If I had the opportunity then I lacked energy to focus on anything but getting some rest.

Today due to Shab-e-Mairaj {Night of Ascent of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)} I am able to take some time, so here I am. Well for past few weeks I have taken up stitching and art classes, although in both these domains I had neither past experience nor any apparent talent. However, all of a sudden I just decided to venture into these two skills. Art which includes drawing, sketching & painting etc. is a wonderful way to concentrate on one object forgetting about everything else.

My brain muscles that I have never used before are being exercised in a new way while I am focusing to draw. You get to go out of your limited version of seeing things in front of you and you realize that everything could be seen from various angles.

The real challenge came when I started to learn stitching I was unable handle scissors and needles seemed to have entered in my life from Mars. More than stitching I had fear of the whole process; so yesterday I decided to turn it into my spiritual practice.

Like any spiritual process that encompass hurdles, stitching also hold challenges. Hence the Real achievement is not in the end result but how the journey towards that result has been taken. 

Thankfully I have the privilege of learning from the best teachers because the way they are teaching me is an achievement in itself. As a child I have never been able to draw more than a cottage, sun, tree and pavement.

However, now I am learning to go beyond my limitations. I don’t have any higher ambitions after learning all this but if you have time then its best to utilize in learning things that you have always wished but never had the time.

Good thing about practicing law from home is that time gets to be on your side and you could enjoy everything. I am so grateful to be able to do and learn so many things because of my profession and support from home.

With all my prayers & love..

Sonya. (Day 318)


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