
Finding order in the disorders of life is probably the trick of great living. Irrespective what occurs in the periphery or outer boundaries of our life, the centre our core should always be in peace & deep gratitude. Once the inner foundation is there the outer structure shall itself fall into place.

Weather is finally getting lighter and windy and now we await monsoons. There is something magical about rain, something that couldn’t be expressed in words. Dark grey skies, soft breezes, fragrance emerging from earth as rain precipitates from the air and the aroma of pakoras from kitchen only add to the delights of this beautiful weather.

Rain during the day has different impact while the one in the night casts another spell on us. I especially love the glistening reflection of orange and red hued streetlights and cars at night; sometimes passing by rickshaw play songs quite appropriate for the occasion and I feel that it is the glimpse of heaven.

My mind is mechanically engaged on many different fronts thinking and planning at least five things at a time, whilst I become a silent observer in the background of all this. It is such a pity that 90% of our mind’s planning is done without there being any need of it. We are always mentally busy either in the grievance of past or anxiety about the future while our life unfolds right in this moment.      

With all this going on it is challenging for me to concentrate on this post, I have quite a lot to say but it seems as every thread in mind is weaving its on fabric without any coordination with each other. Resultantly I have to pause before beginning new paragraphs something that I never appreciate while writing.

So I believe its better to leave on the pleasant note….

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sonya. (Day 321)


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