Day 319
There is a
strange traffic signal near my home which people follow on their terms, when it is
green everyone obediently stops and when its red then it means to move. In case
if you stop at red then trust me you are in trouble. However, you take a sigh
of relief that at least people follow it.
So now there
have been some major changes on the political front, our former prime minister
has left and I write this our latest PM is making a very long speech in the
Parliament. I apprehend that all this exercise would really affect things for
good, but what was required happened.
It is a wonder
how can few hundred people decide the fate of population exceeding 170 million
people. Of course there are procedures prescribed in law and this act is legal
but I think we, the people, should have this prerogative to choose our leader.
With politics
becoming such an integral part of our lives even the morning shows hosted by
celebrities could not keep away from indulging in it. Yesterday against my routine
I opened TV in the morning and the host who is a film actor was discussing
current political situation. It was peculiar to see how much interest everyone
is taking in politics.
After seeing
immense marketing campaign of Magnum ice cream I thought it deserves to be tasted
at least once. Irrespective of the price tag it had, it was very delicious. I
tried full chocolate flavour but if you are not a fan of dark chocolate then
you might try other flavours of Magnum. Although I try my best to abstain religiously from
ice creams and chocolates but succumbing to temptations once or
twice in a year is no sin.
I have to accept
that past few days I am not being regular to blog and I cannot make any
excuses for that but I think it is wise to show up when I am in full spirits
and not just write for the sake fulfilling an obligation.
So if I take breaks
please do not take this as lack of interest from my side because this blog and
you all are very important. You all have lives where you work, take care of so
many things but still you take time to read my posts and give me your support
and encouragement.
Thank you for
your patience and warmth for me, and do remember me in your prayers- always.
With my best
Sonya. (Day 319)