Tete a tete

At last the weekend is here, all due rest which has not been properly received shall be taken now. Yesterday I was in quite low spirits for no apparent reason, just feeling some strange emotions in connecting some invisible dots of life. Thankfully today has been good, especially after meeting a young girl and listening to her thoughts.

She is around 7 or 8 years of age, we met where I am learning to stitch and she is taking arts and craft classes. As soon as she finishes her work she come and sits with me, shows real interest in what ever I do. She encourages my efforts and always appreciates my work and it is strange that with our age differences we feel really good in each others company.

I tell you she has some personality, although appearance wise she is very simple tiny wears glasses and have braided hair. Yet when she speaks I cannot help but listen to her and pay full attention to our conversation.

So today I asked her the routine questions that one would ask from 7 something. I enquired if she has made any new friends, to which she replied “no way! I have to focus on my work here and friends distract me”. She added, “Our entire lives are there to make friends but when I work I don’t want any kind of disturbance. Even in school I have one best friend but I never allow any body to join school projects with me because then everyone just talks and talks and we hardly do any work.”

I asked if somebody at home or her elders has told her for having no-friends strategy, to that she said “nobody ever asked me to do this but as soon I grew up this idea itself came to my mind, of course I need to do what is best in my interest.”

Seeing her talk about teachers enthusiastically I asked her if she would like to become a teacher herself. She said in her sweetly toned thin voice, “teachers are under paid for their efforts so I have no interest in joining this profession. I am learning arts & crafts because I have interest in it and my daddy would send me to USA to learn arts but that is only my hobby. I got 85% in my exams, so I will become an engineer/ scientist”.

As my first reaction I couldn’t believe what I just heard. In my life I have never seen such maturity, ambition and focus in the adults, some of them being highly regarded professionals. However, with all this maturity there is wonderful innocence and simplicity about her. I wish her all the best in life, may God bless her with all the health, wealth & happiness, and may all her dreams come true. Amen!

My same wishes of health, wealth & happiness are for all of you too….


Sonya. (Day 316)  


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