Day 30

Before beginning I would like to thank everyone from the depth of my heart who takes out time to read my blog, who email me, and who encourage me. It’s extremely fulfilling to know that I am able to contribute in some way. Once again Thank You!!!

Mondays are usually devoid of enthusiasm but the pace of activity we have to keep up with compels us to get in the stream of life as quickly as possible. For me the best start is with good breakfast which always consist of roti (wheat pancakes) and a curry of any kind and a cup of cold coffee. I must admit that it sounds bizarre to have cold coffee even in winters but this is what is. Delicious as this breakfast is, also creates trouble for me during my out of country visits. The very first time I travelled with my dad to USA was a travelling nightmare, food wise. Although Pakistani food was served during our flights but the breakfast was the real deal breaker. I just cannot stand bread, butter and cereals I needed a complete meal, so for 2 days I survived on jams. We had to stop for three days in Paris a serene & beautiful place indeed but there wasn’t any Pakistani food easily available so it only added to my eating dilemma. For the very first time in my life I had to compromise and eat French fries, I was 8-9 then and a complete food rebel so I sunk the first Fry of my life in coke and somehow ate that dreadful thing. However, by 6th fry I started to develop some sort of infatuation with French Fries. And now, my family has to watch me like a hawk when I am with French Fries.

It is normally believed that children adopt eating styles from their parents but I must say that I am an exception and a total opposite because my mom and dad ate all kinds of food and simply love to try new cuisines.

Now to some national issues, though I’ve no interest in sports but I simply cannot resist the temptation to share my enlightened view on latest cricket happenings: first it was sidelining of Pakistani Cricketers at Indian Premier League a.k.a. IPL. Then Shahid Afridi our very own Pakistani Cricket superstar was caught on international media tempering with a ball or more precisely eating the ball. His desperation to win overshadowed and compromised the dignity of his country and banned him from 20-20. Just what Pakistan needed! another bold attempt to corrupt and short cut practices. It is regrettable that we lost matches consecutively but would this desperate action be justified under any circumstances. Do we play sports to prove and show-case our excellence or is only a means to an end.

I seriously believe that if we train effectively, work our butts off and play only with an aim of doing our best, then success is a natural outcome. People will get to see our hard work and then even if we loose, well at least we have the peace of going down with dignity.

I am incredibly fortunate that Amma never pushed me to compete with anybody at any level of my life; competition is something that I’m not acquainted with. I never thought that somebody has to loose in order for me to win nor I once thought that there is any competition in school or college or at work and still I made to the best institutions and I guess I did well overall.

Whatever I did the only focus was to be myself, my own betterment, to compete with myself, to beat my last results. I always enjoy the success of others as if it my own, it is the one trait that I am really proud to possess. There is no lack, and only abundance. What we see is our illusion our self created reality, if we believe in lack there shall be lack and if we stand firmly in the field of hope and abundance then it shall be there for us. My faith is nevertheless been further strengthened when I got the glimpse of the Law of Attraction, beautifully explained in the world renowned Book and its DVD “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne; this book opened another dimension of life for me.

As the slumber enters and the power to concentrate is diffusing. So its Siesta time now.

Good Night, Shabakhair, Buenas Noches, Bonne Nuit, Shab Khosh……



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