Day 53

It is fulfilling when days are spent in doing something, not just being busy but productive. Although I didn’t sculpt David yet if I am able to enjoy the fruits of my effort and hard-work then nothing is more creative than that. By the end of the day I got beautifully tired and to write in drowsiness is never a good idea.

We make certain decisions that we might not like but due pressing circumstances such choices become inevitable. At times I have also taken some decisions that I am/was not comfortable with, ones feels rather insensitive but then certain situations compel us to behave callously. After all, prevention is always better than cure.

I got excited when the Blogspot people finally introduced new templates, they are all fresh and hip plus there is a huge variety to choose from. It was absolutely dull to keep on writing on the same ole same ole backgrounds. At first I opted for an abstract theme but then it turned out to be too bizarre for me and Amma thought it looked like internal system of human body, so I decided to go for something else.

Lots to talk about, however sleep is once again taking the better of my abilities…… So until we meet tomorrow my dears…......




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