Day 52

Sham is far more dazzling than authenticity. Shah Rukh Khan was once asked about the on-camera chemistry he shares with Kajol when they are only good friends while the same chemistry lacks in Kajol-Ajay duo who are a real life couple. He replied simply that, camera is incapable of capturing the truth but what it could capture is pure acting. People like camera are only able to see the allure of pretence, alas!

There are those who love a good mystery and if there isn’t any they would happily create one. Playing around with ideas, concocting stories and characters; a mere notion then transforms itself into a distorted fact, a fictional reality that would ultimately convulse the truth.

But what about genuine mysteries, the unknown workings of some phenomena should we try to solve them or let them be just the way they are, unsolved. Earlier there used to be an urge in me to know everything, to have answers; however, now I don’t allow myself to find or know everything. Through our efforts and intellect we might reach some conclusions but are we confident that what we found out is the truth.

Busy day is always valuable, rushing to meet deadlines always provide the human body with optimum energy or adrenaline to manage all tasks that otherwise on a less busy day are left out due to lethargy.

Yesterday, after a long time we went out for a quite family dinner and had a great evening and by the time we reached home we were rather tired and called it an early night, thus the delayed post.

In love & fondness………



sameer said…
HI Sonia..Nice thoughts but ur writing should be more interactive..Cant see comments ..less people following you

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