Following my Gut Feeling

Voilà! 50th DAY, MashaAllah, Golden Jubilee of our Blog……

I have learned something quite interesting today. I decided to go somewhere but instinctively I was 85% uncertain, so I prayed to get to some direction. As I called-up to confirm the timing the person on the other side changed the time from what was agreed upon earlier. As soon as I heard that I immediately cancelled the entire plan. At first, I wasn’t pleased with the change but then within few minutes I recognized that this is my answer, my direction. So if after deciding to do something or to meet someone or anything else simply observe carefully for all the little signs. If all goes smoothly and movement from point A to B and from B to Z is effortless and natural then you are on the right track, don’t look back just keep on walking. Of course, I could have easily bullied with my instincts but after knowing a little bit I don’t think it is wise on my part to interfere with the God’s procedure. Oh no, not me Sir.

If what you desire is also beneficial for you then roads will be made where they weren’t before, oceans will part so you could walk through. It is wise to pay attention to your own inner-most, deep, subtle yet constant voice or intuitive feeling rather what the world is telling you.

Ages ago I wanted to send one of my client-cum-acquaintance, a bill for my legal advise but people closed to me almost pressurized me not to do that because that might jeopardize our terms with the client-cum-acquaintance. They preferred to leave the bill payment matter on his/her conscience; although I was not at all comfortable with the idea. Of course that payment was never made and when we did send the bill but it was too little too late. Only if I had listened to my instincts and not the suggestion of my loved ones, after all the person who is actually dealing with the matter was me, the vibes I could get no one else can experience them.

Apprehension is inevitable before any decision but what is significant is to carefully listen to the gut feeling i.e. the heart and mind or to put neurologically the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere.

Well enough of this and now I like would to share with all of you the pictures of my Mom’s trees and plants, she works really hard to beautify and nurture them; and they definitely need some international recognition. By the way, Yours truly is the photographer.

With my love…….

Sonya. (Day 50)


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