Gadgets & Gizmos

Oh Dear Lord, what an energetic day I had, from the morning till now, its been a continuous activity. After completing my work, cooking and feeding the hungry, finally I can chill. By the way I cooked some fried not so crispy drumsticks and chicken burgers. Thankfully everything went pretty well or maybe after being hungry for hours one would eat anything that would be served.

Nevertheless, the bones and muscles in my body are happy with my work regime, and for this I have to thank my acupressure doctor/ my teacher Dr. Mahjabeen Bhaiji for suggesting me to incorporate in my life a lively activity like cooking. I hope that my enthusiasm continues for a lifetime.

Now there are plans of buying a Personal Computer Insha Allah on Monday. Yes in the times of IPad, IPhone, Blackberry Tablets I really want to buy a PC. Honestly speaking, I have had my experience with laptop and its effects as sudden cervical pain and backaches, nausea and headaches. Yes my dear friend, if you are feeling down or nauseous and have recurrent headaches after coming from work then welcome to the “laptop victims club”. I am not saying that new technologies are evil, yet I believe one has to figure out personally what actually works for each of us individually.

Nowadays when people are sitting in a room instead of talking to each other they are on their Blackberry’s chatting with friends on the other side of he globe. On Eid or birthdays we wish people through SMS & facebook/ twitter. Everything has become instant yet impersonal; I must admit that I am also guilty of using such shortcuts.

On my last birthday when I received a greeting card from my dentist Dr. Alvi and a present from a friend, both by postage, I cannot even explain the joy I felt. Someone makes an effort for you and you cannot help but appreciate it.

In schooldays we used to make such wonderful birthday cards for each other and our friends when received them had their faces lit up like 1000 watts bulb. Nothing regardless how hi-tech it is, could replace the sheer joy of personally touching the wishes sent your way.

Of course, one could not and must not blame anybody because in our times lifestyle has become overwhelmingly hectic that SMS & social websites turn out to be the major lifesavers.  

Having said that I have learned from my mistakes and from now on, I have committed myself to personally call on important days, send greeting cards by post just like the good ol’d days..

I must be giving an impression of a sentimental fool and you all must be wandering where she is living, in 1887 or 2011. Nevertheless, what can I say I am an old- fashioned person.

So how do you feel about this hi-tech stuff, lets have a poll on this. I would love to have your responses..

Sweet Dreams & have a Great Weekend.

Sonya. (Day 203)


Unknown said…
I need the address of dr zainab e bhaiji pls email me if u have my relative is sick
Unknown said…
I need the address of dr zainab e bhaiji pls email me if u have my relative is sick
Unknown said…
I need the address of dr zainab e bhaiji pls email me if u have my relative is sick
Unknown said…
I need the address of dr zainab e bhaiji pls email me if u have my relative is sick

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