Fashion, Stars & Dreams

Karachi Fashion week is to commence from 6th -9th October and I am desperate to attend it. Please do not jump from your seats because I want to attend it merely as a guest and not as a model. I just felt like clarifying it because most of the people whom I informed about my wish, blankly looked at my face. Only after I clarified my intentions they took a breath of relief and assured me that if it is in your destiny then you shall attend it.

Although it is not a big deal to attend but these events are not publicized and tickets if are sold then they are circulated within a limited range of people.

It was such a shame that I missed Lux Style Awards, because I knew the people who could have given me passes, probably for free..hahaha..

I can understand few of you might be surprised or even shocked to know my keen interest in fashion. Well I like fashion, clothes or shoes and especially bags have my sincere affections with them. However, all this is limited to learn about new things and to meet new people. Since when it comes to shopping for any of the above items I became a turtle. I get tired, lethargic, hungry, nauseous within 15 minutes of going for any sort of shopping; I only buy when I am in desperate need.    

After a while I thoroughly cleaned up my room, for some time now we are looking for a housekeeper but could not find anyone suitable. So yesterday I decided to roll up my sleeves and get down to business, it was a joyful activity indeed. 

You know your room, every nick and corner and above all you know how to do your work the best way. Of course there is help and work can be delegated yet the satisfaction of doing everything on your own is far superior.

Julia Roberts one of the highest paid Hollywood actress does not have any maid or domestic help of any kind. She wakes up at dawn, cook, clean her house, raise her three little children, work in movies and earns $ 20 million per movie. She is also my favorite actress and I wish to get at least some inspiration from her, except for working in movies.

From movies I remember that in 1940 my paternal grandfather had actually worked in a movie “Eik Din ka Badshah” in the main role. Many young men in 1940’s ran from their homes to work in films in Bombay (now Mumbai), however, their families did not respect this profession. Therefore, a fake letter was send informing my grandfather that his mother was seriously ill and that he should return home immediately. Worried he returned home only to find that it was a plan engineered by his family to have him back, then get him married and settled forever with his family.

Alas, I wished my great grandfather did not send that letter for we could have been settled like Raj Kapoor’s family, I could have been a Bollywood superstar and my friends you could have been my desperate fans dying to get my glimpse and my autograph.

And then I wake up and remember that my evening prayers are pending, this post needs to be published on the blog and I have to sleep.

Cheers to our dreams.. may you too, have some….

Good Evening.

Sonya. (Day 210)


Huma said…
Hey, I really love your posts..Do send me tickets of Karachi Fashion week..lolz
Saggy said…
I love Julia Roberts too..
Zara Omer said…
well modelling isnt easy 2 get into..u have to be thin enough
Sonya Syed said…
Thanks Huma.
I agree Zara about this thin fad.. i hope we can get some sense into people.

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