Icebox (For 29 Sept. 2011)

A steel gray broad beauty we call our new refrigerator entered the environs of our home. For some time now, we were thinking about getting a new fridge as our requirements were altered these days but then it was a long-term idea and nobody was really interested.

I must say that when you decide to have something or someone in your life be very careful and watch-out because your thoughts even if they were in your mind for few seconds have a powerful magnetic attraction. Things and people actually manifest. Those few seconds of profound desire and wish in your mind creates a very strong attractive force which then strongly pulls the object of your desire towards you. So it is always advisable to have positive and loving thoughts so you can only attract what brings joy and peace in your life.  

Moreover being aware of your thoughts and emotions empowers you to change your thoughts from negative to positive and discard the undesirable people or situations. This is the famous law of cause and effect or law attraction or as Issac Newton said, “to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction”. Our thoughts are the Cause and our life is the Effect. 

This always happens to me, I think about something deeply and then I forget about it mainly because I do not immediately need it. And Voila! Within no time situations change in such a way that I am compelled to acquire it.

I am sure that most of you must have experienced the same thing one way or the other but never noticed it.

Try it consciously you might as well have fun with this stuff.

Good Evening!

Sonya. (DAY 212)


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