Yet Nobody Does Anything

Network problems, internet mishaps, power failures and my post gets delayed. Finally things got around but before we proceed I would like to share my deep condolences for the bomb blast in Karachi. May God rest in peace the innocent departed souls and bless with solace their loved ones to endure such a loss.

Unfortunately it has become a routine these days for such condolences and the air of this beautiful city is filled with apprehension of future-future of our children, future of Karachi and above all the future of Pakistan.

There is nothing to say however, there are questions which one keeps on asking in these times. Questions like why all this is happening? Is it the consequence of our collective or individual actions, where we have gone so wrong and if yes, then how could we make things right?

If we go through books of wisdom, they all point that whatever we experience in our lives is only the result of our own thoughts and actions. Our thoughts are the cause and our life situations are simply its effect.

Then we also have religious scholars trying to analyze these circumstances and possibly giving some answers. Nevertheless, the victims of such events are only helpless and innocent who hardly ever had any opportunity to do anything else besides working day and night to earn their livelihoods.

The people with massive records of ill-doing are always safe, living in utmost luxuries and sufferers are people like today’s victim a teacher, her eight year old son, a cook, a driver, policemen. I am angry and bewildered as to why they or their families had to endure such pain and loss. I agree that death is an unavoidable aspect of human existence but dying in such brutal ways- how can this be justified.

A famous anchor on his TV show asked a religious scholar that when a suffering befalls from God on a nation then is there any way whereby innocent lives could be saved. The scholar said that when a suffering falls upon a nation no distinction is made between good or bad people and all have to endure the wrath. However, what we are witnessing today is that only innocent lives are taken which then brings us to the other question that whether all this is actually God’s wrath or not?

Maybe this is only the consequence of the choices we as nation make in our lives. For instance the floods in Sindh which have caused serious destruction this year as well as last year were well predicted months before. Nevertheless, the authorities failed to take any timely action or shift possible affected to safe places, or provided their homes and fields with some strong protection; stronger bridges and an effective canal system to drain the waters. In this way we would have not only saved so many lives but also could have used such huge amount of water for our dams; and the damage could have been minimal.

Then the dengue spread in Punjab did not happen overnight either. There had been constant news from months that dengue is present and it should be prevented and then it was only limited to couple of cases; yet nobody did anything. Now when everything has been spiraling out of control and people are loosing their lives brochures are being given, authorities are spraying anti-viral in schools, every health department has become high-alert and active probably to save dead bodies.

The massive law and order disaster in Karachi, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa were forecasted much earlier then they actually happened. Even about today’s bombing there was prior information, yet nobody did anything.

Dollar has reached Rs. 88 something which I have seen for the first time in my life. There are no jobs, people are laid off, textiles industry has died and other factories have shut down, business is finished in Karachi- yet nobody does anything.

Our film industry has finished leaving unemployed hundreds of talented people- Yet nobody does anything.

The only entertainment we were left with was Cricket which is also at brink of collapsing. Yet nobody does anything.

To label all these criminally negligent behavior of human beings as the God’s wrath is another criminally negligent act.

I am neither a religious scholar nor a wise or highly literate person but I know that when suffering increased on the people of Prophet Moses God opened up the ocean and divided it into two parts so His people could pass unharmed. Or in the times of Prophet Noah and Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Them) after suffering increased on them they were placed in safety.

God is not sitting to befall His wrath or to take revenge from us, because this is what we humans do. It is our own stupid choices which have left us like this.

We as a nation, need to wake up from the deep sleep of ignorance. We need to move up and go beyond our petty greed. We need to be proactive and above all we need to make sensible choices not only for ourselves but mainly for our future generation.

I am truly sorry if I have upset anyone but in times like these it becomes difficult to contain oneself.

Once again my apologies and many prayers for all of you.

Sonya. (Day 204)


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