My Gratitude to all...

Before anything else get into my way I would like to give my humble gratitude and lots of love to all my dearest readers for their affections for my earlier post “To Dad With Love”. Thank you all for your wonderful and encouraging messages, phone calls & emails; for making me realize that I have the love and support of you all.

Also I had some interesting discoveries about myself during that period. One came out from my friend when she said that she was astonished to see that I have such an emotional side to my personality. I wonder what others would think of me if my friend believes that I am so non-emotional person. True as it is, that I am an emotional person; however, I feel better when I say that during the time of any decision-making I am quite logical and rational.   

Anyways it feels wonderful to be back on the blog and to be with all of you. Last time when I wrote I was going through a lot of mental & emotional  chaos, physical pains so it became almost impossible to focus on writing  but now thankfully everything has been settled down within. Amongst other factors hampering my writing there was the most disturbing law and order situation in Karachi during Ramazan which made even harder to focus.

There was and still to some extent even today the lurking of fear over all of us. All I can say that the measures which are taken by the concerned authorities, are purely cosmetic and temporary until we eradicate the evil from its root. Finally to add icing on the cake, there are floods all over the province of Sindh and thousands of people are homeless and yes how can we forget the dengue virus spread throughout Punjab and several terrorism acts in other provinces.

It is during these troubled times when we all can deeply feel the pain of each other and share the anxiety about our future. With so much going on in the background how can one sit down and share insignificant aspect of one’s life.
But then as the golden adage goes “This Too Shall Pass”, something inside feels at peace hence makes us understand that if the good times are temporary then the bad times shall also pass. All we need is faith and forgiveness.

Now the physical pains which I just mentioned were more in the category of muscular cramps which were mainly due to lack of calcium and physical activity. Although I exercise whenever I could but this time I needed much more physical movements than I do normally. So I began taking calcium by way of milk and other dairy product and within few minutes I felt that all major muscle cramps subsided.

Then I felt something new and that was this heavy fluid in my calf muscles and arms, and ultimately the fluidity became so heavy that my movements were restricted. Now this was the real wake up call because I am spending most of my day working / sitting in front of computers due to my work routine, so I knew that something extra is required. There it was suggested that from my now on I should regularly cook because this is an activity which is both productive and creative and involves a lot of physical movement. Of course I used to cook but not that often and now incorporating it in my life it has became a life saving activity. And voila all the heaviness and fluids in my calves and arms have vanished into thin air.

So the moral of the story is, if you need to have a healthy and peaceful life you need to eat lite, work hard and have a healthy mind.   

Have a great day!

Sonya. (Day 201)


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