Just a thought...

I need to have some interesting activity for my evenings as it in these very moments I am most disillusioned and have no particular direction to do anything. There are options of watching TV and of course computer and a connection with you all. However, in order to be with you with all my focus and heightened senses I need some beforehand zest.

There is a pile of papers sitting on my desk and rather than handling it I am trying my best to avoid this bunch. When we decide to do something our mind’s preconceived ideas about the result of our work sets the mood. If we know that there is a possibility of favorable results we would give our heart and soul to the work. On the other hand if we believe that the outcome might be gloomy we tend to shy away from that work.

Our mind decides everything for us in advance. The question here is how does it know all that when it hasn’t even tried. Definitely there are ground realities and on the basis of  which realities our mind rationalize and logically gives us direction. But who knows what the mind perceives is true or illusion. Our mind is conditioned by millions of year certain behaviour patterns, our environment, our childhood and TV dramas.

Once when we were supposed to go for a dinner and our host cancelled it due to her family issues. My mind instead of accepting her reason went ahead and made up stories, like our host didn’t want to invite us in the first place. That her other relatives are more dear to her than us and so on. Within few minutes of this ridiculous mind chatter I suddenly realized that whatever my mind just said to me was not what actually happened but it was a scene from a TV drama.

Couple of days before this dinner I watched a TV play in which same situation happened,  a dinner was cancelled. What was surprising that my mind picked up the same story from that TV play and conveniently placed it in my situation. When I realized this I laughed at what I just thought.

Few days later we came to know that one of the family member of our host actually fell ill. Since then I alertly observe my mind and its stories because it tends to create disillusion. If we are not aware of our thoughts we can damage our personal and professional relations.   

On that note I take your leave..

Good Night and have a wonderful weekend.

Sonya. (Day 249)


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