Peace & Prayers

What makes one truly rich when there is a lot of money in your bank account or when people pray for you without you asking them to do so. Of course having a heavy bank account is a nice thought but what is more wonderful is when people who are not living in your proximity, or they are not related to you by blood, or with whom you are not meeting on daily basis so they would remember you in prayers and still they pray for your peace and health.

I feel abundant and extremely rich today when my childhood friend Maria whom I hardly see or talk in months told me that she always pray for my peace of mind. One of my senior lawyer on his return after performing Hajj told me that my name came to his mind even in the hustle of the pilgrim and he too prayed for my peace of mind. These people who I meet sometimes in months or years not only remembers me but pray for me; what more could I want from life.  

It makes me wonder that my not-so-peaceful state of mind is evident to so many people. Yes it was this disharmony in me which I struggled with for years, sometimes people call it depression or boredom or fear or anger. 

Years earlier I realized when my fear, anxiety, over sensitivity increased to such level that it compelled me to think; “this is not right, I can’t live like that”. From then on my search for Something began.  

I knew somehow that what I am feeling or going through is not only unbearable for me but also is not the way human-being is supposed to live. 

After years of searching for that Something, it was in the end of 2008 when I found a book “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle which resonated with my state at so many levels and I felt a shift within.

Since then I am on the process of awakening, getting a glimpse of eternal peace and the silence of mind; for some it happens immediately and for others like me it happens gradually in a process. Initially I had brief moments of peace, and then it changed into hours and now days. Then for some days I revert to my old state but with complete awareness.  

Its like flu, you know that after a downward phase there is going to be an upward phase and that after completing its cycle it will subside. As your spiritual-emotional immune system gets strengthened gradually this flu becomes weaker and weaker and then one morning you will wake up fully to life around you.  

In peace and with prayers for all of you ..…

Sonya (Day 251)


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