Wishes & a story

My long awaited desire has been fulfilled, today I went for my eye check up and have been told that from now on I would be wearing eye glasses while reading, driving and most of the time to relive the discomfort. Although with grace of God the eye-sight is still 6/6 but I need to protect my eyes from the reflection of light on the computer screen.

We need to be very careful before we wish for something. When I was 10 years old I saw my elder cousin who used to wear plain eye glasses and that gave her a persona, for some reason I liked it so much that I bought a pair of plain eye glasses for myself, however, I couldn’t wear them for more than few minutes because they gave me a headache.

So today when my long awaited wish has been granted I am more than happy, although I could have relived the discomfort by doing acupressure on eye points but no I was keen to have a new specs; however, this time I needed a solid reason for buying my favorite pair. I know I really sound silly but then love makes you do silly things.

I have written a short story recently and I am dying to share it with you all. In fact I didn’t sit and thought about it rather it came to me in my sleep-wake moment. It was the time when one is beginning to wake up from deep sleep, and I just saw entire story flash through my closed eyes with the scenes, its characters in detail, even the decor of the room. It is strange that I get most of my important ideas and solutions in this sleep-wake condition.

It is a very simple yet a very human story, but I think it should be shared. Most probably the story is symbolic and may be after publishing it on blog I might get some clarity. Although the main plot, its beginning till end is very well-defined but I will try to improve its appearance and make it look more like a story rather than some article for the post.

I have no prior experience of story writing, I don’t the rules but I have a very strong push from within to write it. So please do excuse me if it didn’t look like regular story. I will try my best to incorporate my information which I have from reading books. I plan to publish it weekly in brief episodes and then lets hope for the best.

Keeping my fingers crossed. Good Night! 

Sonya. (Day 349)


Naved said…
So your next FB profile pic is with glasses?? Wesey its common after spending good 50 years of life :) whats the story ?? Cant wait to read.
Sonya Syed said…
Yup Naved, cant wait to wear specs..you see even at 16 some girls like me tend to wear glasses..

As for the story I hope its at least readable..

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