
Finally doing what I am supposed to do. Yes whenever I am away from blog its pains me, I miss it badly just want to be here and say something, anything. But then pressing demands of household matters also require my full attention, by the time I am free the strength to concentrate vanishes. So I believe its better to write when I truly want to say something.

Today I went to the first art exhibition of my life. Since few months I am doing many things that I have never dreamt of. I have started to teach Business law and just completed my first semester as a teacher.

Back to exhibition, Adeela Suleman is the artist whose exhibition I attended. The lady has done most of her work with steel and iron and I must say it was quite detailed and clearly showed her hard work. She has molded every bit iron/ steel that you see and then gave all the shapes and forms, might have taken years to complete all these creations. 

The basic themes she selected for her work’s background are medical symbols and stretcher. One cannot immediately grasp what she expresses through her work but if you stay with her work you would begin understand. Have a look at her work. Absolutely beautiful and intricate pieces of art.

I am keen to learn about new techniques of painting, what other artistes do and how they express their thoughts or imagination on canvas. Today I missed my art teacher, she should have been there with me so we could discuss what it all means. By the way did I tell you that recently I have started to paint. Yup I am painting on canvas, I am using water colors, pens and experimenting with different mediums.

All my life up till three months ago my art was limited to diagrams of physics and chemistry. The maximum I knew about painting is a cottage with small tree, sun shining and a 1947 model car standing with all this. 

In the last week of May 2012, one day I woke up in morning with a desire to paint. I didn’t know how the idea got in my mind and I didn’t even know where should I begin. Then one after another things became clear and within two days I had more than five places to choose from.

We have renowned art school nearby so it was my first choice but my mother insisted that I should also visit her recommended institute. I had some reservations about learning from there because I wanted to start from a place where its all about art, however, I am so grateful for going to Amma’s institute.

When I first saw my teacher she looked very young and I thought what would she teach me but oh boy. She is enormously talented and taught me to work with all major mediums. She showed me the path and now its my job to learn and grow.

I don’t know what is happening to me but I am opting for many new things, its like I am just born in this world and like a child I am curious about my surrounding what it all means and what am I doing here.

Today I was inquiring from the manager of the art gallery that one day I wish to exhibit my work and he asked which art school I have graduated from. I told him I am lawyer who suddenly started to paint. He smiled meaningfully to himself. 

I have added another page where I am uploading the pictures I have made, do give me your comments.


Sonya (Day 358)


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