
        Its been a deliberate decision to vanish for few days and go into my hibernation mode. There are moments when nothing makes sense, when everything seems to be out of place, and when you need to stand for yourself and make some strong resolutions. Thus it is only wise under the prevailing circumstances to take a break.

       So what happened after wards? Well, you decide that you need to start from the start. That you are wiser now and you have learned from the mistakes and carelessness of the past. That you will be authentic, this time. That you will make the most from the opportunities which life is and shall be presenting. That you will be intensely aware, this time. That you will be in peace and gratitude.  

      Yes, I am successfully renovating my life- fixing up the broken aspects, throwing away the clutter, claiming my space and redecorating it all with brilliant colours and new belongings.  

        Life is gifting us fresh opportunities and new avenues every moment, and all we need to do is to be aware and when it’s the right time you make the right move.

       Its all about getting back your perspective and deciding what is productive for you Now. And then it is not even necessary that your outside world changes because you are not concerned about the world anymore. All your focus is now on your inner world, your inner kingdom and let the outer world respond to the tune of your music.

My love to all.

Sonya Syed. (Day 377)


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