Day 382

It is such a blessing to have food available to eat as soon as you feel hungry. Then the ultimate luxury is to finish dinner by Doritos. I am not a fan of night or midnight snacking but sometimes to slightly deviate from your strict rules feels comforting.

Adults at home are glued to TV watching there favourite show Hasb-e-Haal, a greatly refreshing program, whereas the younger lot is busy in video games. So there are mixed noises coming to me from different directions and this makes me happy. I start to feel better after 9 pm because by this time everybody is home. Otherwise evenings become bit scary, sometimes I switch on the TV while I work or do my chores. The voices and people on TV keeps me company, they would stay with me as long as I want them.

Yesterday it took me more than an hour to change the blog’s template and its background, but all in vain. This task was not difficult but due to some technical glitch I was unable to get the change I desired, so what you see now is not exactly what I had in mind.

I am having some thoughts on shifting my blog from blogger to tumblr. I have two questions here, one is how can I shift all of my earlier posts to the new blog. Second, is there any way that as my readers come on my earlier blog (blogspot) they are automatically shifted to the new site (tumblr). So any of you computer wiz please help me out here. Thanks in advance for all your support.

If I stayed on computer another moment I might doze off on the keyboard. Good Night!

Shabah Khair, Shuratri.

Sonya Syed. (Day 382)


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