Rain & Paint

After a long interval and anxious excitement, my room is finally painted. This is also the main reason for my awkward appearances and disappearances from the blog. There is no internet and when there is, then the mind is engaged at ten places simultaneously.

For few years, something has gone terribly wrong with my room because the more I try to make it comfortable the more unsettling it gets. Lately my room has been called different names some call it a storeroom, others a museum and for some it is a furniture shop. 

So I decided to give it a facelift and I am positive that now everything is going to settle perfectly, because now I have a direction and openness to view every possible option.

Having said that I am not going overboard with the expenses in decorating my room because sooner or later it is going to be my secondary residence.

            Finally first winter rains have hit the city and I must say what a beautiful moment it was. Day before yesterday my dear mosquito friends woke me at four in the morning, besides the mosquitos I was also feeling uneasy. As I was roaming on my floor I suddenly heard strange noises. At first I didn’t believe it but then I realized that it was actually raining outside.

Awake and excited I sat in the terrace from 4.30 to 8 am and watched the beauty of the nature. It was freezing in the balcony and there wasn’t a soul nearby, vehicles on the road were invisible. The rain were so heavy that few buildings adjacent to my house disappeared in the mist. And who could miss that lightening, yes it was a thunderstorm.

Strangely, I felt that somewhere something crucial has happened, as I was thinking what it could be I heard a thunder. It all looked quite filmy like when someone makes a special entry or some important decision is made they give thunder sound and light effects.

            All in all it was marvellous and I am so thankful that I was awake to witness this magnificence.

Sonya Syed. (Day 379)


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